Reichmann Lab

Selected publications:
T. Oppenheim, M. Radzinski, M. Braitbard, E.S. Brielle, O. Yogev, Y. Yesharim, E. Goldberger, T. Ravid, D. Schneidman-Duhovny, and D. Reichmann. Characterizing the full length Npl4-Ufd1 complex and its interaction with Cdc48 through an interface residue switch, 2023, Structure, On the Cover
W. He, G. Yu, T. Li, L. Bai, Z. Xue, Y. Pang, D. Reichmann, S. Hiller, L. He, M. Liu, S. Quan. Chaperone Spy protects outer membrane proteins from folding stress via dynamic complex formation, 2022, mBio
R. Fassler, L. Zualy, N. Lahrach, M. Ilbert, D. Reichmann, The central role of redox-regulated switch proteins in bacteria, 2021, Front. Mol. Bios, 8: 706039
M. Radzinski, T. Oppenheim, N. Metanis, D. Reichmann. The Cys Sense: Thiol Redox Switches Mediate Life Cycles of Cellular Proteins, 2021, Biomolecules, 11(3), 469
S. Aramin, R. Fassler, V. Chikne, M. Goldenberg, T. Arian, O. Rimon, L. Kolet, S. Michaeli, and D. Reichmann. TrypOX, a novel eukaryotic homologue of redox-regulated chaperone Hsp33 in Trypanosoma brucei, 2020, Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:1844
M. Mahameed, S. Boukeileh, A. Sulieman, A. Obiedat, O. Darawshi, P. Dipta, A. Rimon, G. McLennan, R. Fassler, D. Reichmann, R. Karni, C. Preisinger, T. Wilhelm, M. Huber and B. Tirosh, Pharmacological induction of selective endoplasmic reticulum retention as a novel strategy for cancer therapy, 2020, Nature Communication, 11(1):1304
HW. Reuter, T. Masuch, N. Ke, M. Lenon, M. RadzinskiS, V. Van Loi, G. Ren, P. Riggs, H. Antelmann, D. Reichmann, L. I. Leichert and M. Berkmen, Utilizing redox-sensitive GFP fusions to detect in vivo redox changes in a genetically engineered prokaryote, 2019, Redox Biology, 26:101280
E. Kassa, E. Zlorkin-Rivkin, G. Friedman, R. Ramachandran, N. Melamed-Book, A. Weiss, M. Belenky, D. Reichmann, W. Breuer, L. Goldenring, J. Goldenring, B. Aroeti, Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli remodels host endosomes to promote endocytic turnover and breakdown of surface polarity, 2019, PloS Pathogens, 15(6):e1007851
G. Masson, …D. Reichmann,….K. Rand, Recommendations for the practice, interpretation and reporting of hydrogen deterium exchanges mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) experiments, 2019, Nature Methods, 16(7):595-602
C. Iacobucci, …. N. Edinger,… R. Mesika, … D. Reichmann, … A. Sinz, Cross-linking/Mass Spectrometry: A Community-Wide, Comparative Study Towards Establishing Best Practice Guidelines, 2019, Anal. Chemistry, 91(11):6953-6961
G. Erdos, B. Meszaros, D.Reichmann and Z. Dosztanyi, Large-Scale Analysis of Redox-Sensitive Conditionally Disordered Protein Regions Reveals Their Widespread Nature and Key Roles in High-Level Eukaryotic Processes, 2019 , Proteomics, e1800070
R. Mesika and D. Reichmann,When safeguarding goes wrong: Impact of oxidative stress on protein homeostasis in health and neurodegenerative disorders. Adv Protein Chem Struct Biol., 2019; 114:221-264
Bramasole L, Sinha A, Gurevich S, Radzinski M, Klein Y., Panat N, Gefen E , Jimenez-Morales D, Johnson J , Krogan NJ, Reis N, Rinaldi T, Reichmann D, Glickman MH, and Pick E, Proteasome lid bridges mitochondrial stress with Cdc53/Cullin1 rubylation status, Redox Biology, 20:533-543.
E. Keinan, A. Abraham, R. Mintz, M. Cohen, D. Reichmann, D. Kaganovich, Y. Nahmias. High-Reynolds Microfluidic Sorting of Large Yeast Population Demonstrates Early Age-Dependent Changes in Protein Quality Control. 2018, Sci. rep, 8(1):13739
M. Radzinski and D. Reichmann, Variety is the spice of life: how to explore a redox-dependent heterogeneity in genomically identical cellular populations. 2018, Current genetics, 65(1):301-306
M. Radzinski, R. Fassler, O. Yogev, W. Breuer, N. Shai, J. Gutin, S. Ilyas, Y. Geffen, S. Tsytkin-Kirschenzweig, Y. Nahmias, T. Ravid, N. Friedman, M. Shueldiner and D. Reichmann. Temporal profiling of redox-dependent heterogeneity in single cells. 2018, eLife, 7:e37623.
R. Fassler*, N. Edinger* , O. Rimon, Reichmann. Defining Hsp33's redox-regulated chaperone activity and mapping conformational changes on Hsp33 using hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, J. Vis. Exp. (136), e57806. Link to the video
D. Reichmann*, W. Voth, U. Jakob*, Maintaining a healthy proteome during oxidative stress, 2018, Mol Cell, 69(2):203-213. *corresponding authors
Rimon O. and Reichmann D. Kfits: A software framework for fitting and cleaning outliers in kinetic measurements. (2017). Bioinformatics, 2017, 34(1):129-130
On the cover: Rimon O*, Suss O* , Goldenberg M, Fassler R, Yogev O, Amartely H, Propper G, Friedler A, and Reichmann D. A role of metastable regions and their connectivity in the inactivation of a redox-regulated chaperone and its inter-chaperone crosstalk, Antioxid Redox Signal, 2017, 27(15):1252-1267.
Groitl B, Horowitz S, Makepeace KA, Petrotchenko EV, Borchers CH, Reichmann D, Bardwell JC, Jakob U
Protein unfolding as a switch from self-recognition to high-affinity client binding (2016) Nat Commun., 7:10357
O. Suss and D. Reichmann. Protein plasticity underlines activation and function of ATP-independent chaperones, (2015) Front Mol Biosci., 2: 43.
D. Knoefler, LI. Leichert, M. Thamsen, CM. Cremers, D. Reichmann, MJ. Gray, WY. Wholey and U. Jakob. About the Dangers, Costs and Benefits of Living an Aerobic Lifestyle (2014), Biochem Soc Trans, 42(4):917-21.
M. Abu-Odeh, T. Bar-Mag, H. Huang, T. Kim, Z. Salah, S. Abdeen, M. Sudol, D. Reichmann, S. Sidhu, P. Kim, R. Aqelian. Characterizing WW domain interactions of tumor suppressor WWOX reveals its association with multiprotein networks (2013), JBC, 28;289(13):8865-80
D. Reichmann and U. Jakob. The roles of conditional disorder in redox proteins (2013), Curr Opin Struct Biol, 23(3):436-42
N. Brandes, H. Tienson, A. Lindemann, V. Vitvisky, D. Reichmann, R. Banerjee, U. Jakob. Time Line of Redox Events in Aging Postmitotic Cells (2013), eLife, (2),e00306.
D. Reichmann, Y. Xu, CM. Cremers, M. Ilbert, R. Mittelman, MC. Fitzgerald, U. Jakob, Order out of Disorder - Working Cycle of an Intrinsically Unfolded Chaperone (2012), Cell, 148(5):947-57
The preview article was published in Cell, 148(5):843-4.
U. Jakob and D. Reichmann. Oxidative Stress and Redox Regulation (2013) Springer, ISBN 978-94-007-5786-8